Vet Blog

Pet Halloween Safety Tips

October 04, 2021

With Halloween swiftly approaching, pet parents are once again looking for safety tips to protect their pets in Chandler during the spooky season.

If the same is true of you, then don't worry-we've got you covered.

In the article below, you'll find a few safety tips to help you keep your pet safe, secure, and happy this Halloween. Follow these tips no matter what type of pet you have, and you'll be well on your way to a better Halloween experience with your furry friend.

Store Candy and Wrappers

The most important step to keep in mind when protecting your pet during Halloween is to keep candy stored carefully away. Put the chocolate in the refrigerator or freezer and keep other candy on high shelves that pets cannot access. Some candy may contain artificial sweeteners, which can be fatal to pets, and chocolate is always dangerous to animals.

Additionally, pick up candy wrappers and throw them away in a locking or well-closing trash can. Wrappers can pose a choking hazard to pets and may cause a bowel obstruction if your pet manages to swallow one.

Put Away Knives and Carving Tools

When carving pumpkins, you will likely have knives and other carving tools on hand. Be sure to put these safely away when you're finished carving, so you don't risk your pet being injured by one of these items.

Although rare, it is possible for pets to knock sharp objects off of counters or tables and hurt themselves. You can prevent this risk by making sure all your pumpkin carving tools are carefully put away when the activity is done.

Clean Up After Costuming

Putting on and taking off costumes may involve lots of loose items such as makeup, accessories, and more. Be sure to clean up after getting ready and after removing the costume at the end of the night, as these loose pieces can pose a choking hazard for your pet.

Pieces with long strings or any items that are shiny or make noise when moved may be tempting for any pets, but especially for cats. Pets may easily try to swallow these items and then choke on them, so put everything away in a timely fashion.

Secure Pets Indoors

Make sure your pets are kept safely indoors at all times during Halloween. With trick-or-treaters coming to your door all evening long, pets may have a lot of chances to escape and run out the door. They may also try to do this more often because they are afraid of strangers coming to the house.

Keep your pet secured within an interior room of your home, behind a closed door. If possible, put two closed doors between your pet and the front door. You can do this by keeping your pet in a bathroom off of a guest room, or by keeping her in her crate and shut inside a bedroom instead.

Provide Pet Spaces

Give your pet a safe space that is all her own inside your home. Preferably, this should be inside a carrier or crate so she will be doubly secured when trick-or-treaters come by. However, if crates or carriers are impossible, you can give your pet a corner of an out-of-the-way room that is all hers.

Place her bed, blankets, pillow, toys, food, and water in this space. If you have a cat, keep the litter box close by as well. You may also want to play some soothing white noise or classical music in this space.

Stay Calm and Patient

When dealing with frightened pets, it can be a little difficult to remain calm yourself. You may feel frustrated or irritated by your pet, or you might get nervous for her as well. All of these feelings are normal, but it's important not to show them to your pet.

Instead, remain calm and patient when interacting with her. Do not add to her stress and fear more by showing signs of being impatient or angry, but instead speak in soothing tones and try to pet her if she will allow you to do so.

With the help of the information in the article above, you should be ready to tackle Halloween with your pet. However, if you have more questions or you're not sure these methods will work for your pet-due to nerves or any other reason-then it's okay to reach out to your vet for more information.

Your vet will work with you to determine the best course of action for your pet this Halloween. If the vet determines that your pet needs anxiety medication, for example, your pet will be given the right dosage and instructions for just that. Working with a vet you trust can help ensure you and your pet have a safe Halloween experience together.
